
justmesusie blog feed

I first started blogging in 2009 when my late husband, Don, was diagnosed with Stage IV Kidney Cancer. Blogging was the easiest way to get out all the information on surgery, treatment, thoughts, feelings, everything with everyone between Tennessee and Alaska.

For 5.5 years I blogged on every treatment, every scan, every chemotherapy reaction, every fear. Everything. I held nothing back. Don passed away in 2014 and I have occasionally blogged, but not like I did. The blog, SouthernHoffs.blogspot.com, was all about the Southern Hoff’s living in the South. However, I am the only Hoff now in my house, so the blog needed to evolve. So, this is the new blog for ‘just me susie” to talk basically about me and how I am doing this single life as a 40-something widow.

Visit justmesusie.com blog posts.