New day. New plan. New Chemo. New outlook.

Just when you think you have things on a path you like, something has to go and change it. Don’s liver enzymes are once again out of whack. This was a big shock to us, as we thought that it was under control and was a one-time occurrence. But last week’s blood work showed levels elevated more than 100 times what they should be. The only thing Dr. Puzanov thinks could be causing this is the Avastin chemo. They have already removed Torisel chemo due to the side effect of raising his triglycerides to dangerous levels, and now having to remove Avastin is a huge let-down.

Dr. P. wants to start a new chemo when his liver enzymes return to normal. The new chemo is called Nexavar. It comes as a tablet to take by mouth. Don will most likely take twice a day every day. Since this is a every day pill (like Sutent, the first chemo he took), he will not have to do weekly infusions at Vanderbilt. This is good news … less needles! However, anytime we have to change chemos is a scary thing.

The other news we received last Thursday was the initial results of the ct scan. All we know now is that the tumors in his lungs have grown in the last 8 weeks. Dr. Puzanov thinks they have grown an estimated 10-15%. This is due to the fact that he had to stop the infusions so much due to the side effects. If he was able to receive the chemo infusions each time he was scheduled, we are sure that the tumors would have remained the same or shrunk. But alas, that was not the case. The good news is that there are no new tumors! I am expecting a call Wednesday (2.23.11) from Vanderbilt with the exact measurements of the tumors. I am glad that they give us this news … I feel better when I am fully aware of what is going on.

So, that is where we are now … in limbo yet again. We are starting a whole new chemo … with a whole new set of side effects. It’s the unknown that is daunting. Not knowing what to expect with the side effects is the worse. Hopefully they will be minor and Don will hardly notice them at all.

Keep the prayers going … we are still in need of them!

Here are some easy words to say out loud:
I’m sorry.
I want to help if I can.
You’re a wonderful friend.
I love you.

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