The Search for My Half-Sister Has Come to an End

I had a half-sister. A sister that I never knew personally, but had envisioned her in my mind for many many years. Her birth name was Deborah Ann White and she was 11 years older than me. She was my Dad’s daughter from a previous marriage. Due to circumstances that only him and his ex […]

Need a Dating 2.0 Class for 40 Somethings!

Wow, 2017.  Time is flying by too fast and I still feel like it was yesterday that Don died. When in reality it has been 2 years, 6 months and 2 days since my world changed. I am doing OK.  I have tried dating and unfortunately I can’t stop comparing the guys to Don.  I […]

To the couple at Hobby Lobby:

To the couple at Hobby Lobby: I’m sorry I must have looked like a crazed woman when you saw me looking at you, but you just reminded me of what I once had. When the young wife looked at something and asked hubby to see it and without hesitation he said “let’s get it”. It […]

North to Alaska

Tongass Island early 1800’s Next week the girls and I will head to Alaska for a very important trip.  This trip will be to spread some of Don’s ashes on Tongass Island. Don’s wishes were for me and girls to go there when we were ready and tomorrow marks 2 years since Don drifted off […]

640 Days

I have been a widow for approximately 640 days.  Crazy to think of it like that.  For the last 640 days I have longed for my husband. Wished that cancer did not take away the one person that I loved more than life.  During those 640 days I have become a stronger person, I know […]

A Special Visit

I’m sick.  I have a cold and anyone that really knows me knows that I like to be babied and pampered when I am sick.  Well, when you are a widow, there is no longer a spouse to do the pampering. My stuffy nose was horrible last night and I tossed and turned. Then around […]

Standing On The Diving Board

Do I dive in again? Test the waters, see what the life of dating is like again? I’m scared. I’m nervous. Actually, I am terrified. How do I do this? How do you figure out how to meet people and actually date when you haven’t dated since you were 22.  I haven’t dated anyone since […]

Time Goes By So Fast

August and September slipped right past me with no update! YIKES! I have taken lots of weekend trips. Mom, Audrey and I traveled to West Virginia to surprise my Aunt Julia for her birthday. That was great as all the brothers and sisters that were able to travel were there. Always fun when you get […]