A Special Visit

I’m sick.  I have a cold and anyone that really knows me knows that I like to be babied and pampered when I am sick.  Well, when you are a widow, there is no longer a spouse to do the pampering. My stuffy nose was horrible last night and I tossed and turned. Then around […]

July is Bittersweet

I haven’t been great about keeping this blog updated.  I have thought about it, but it seems to take so much energy to update everyone on just me.  Writing and updating everyone on Don was so easy and enjoyable, but writing about myself … not so much. Blue waters of Bimini, Bahamas. I have been […]

Trying to Re-Enter the World Again

Reentry Definition The act or action of reentering. The return of a missile or spacecraft into the atmosphere.  The act of rejoining as a participant or member.  I don’t have but one regret from the many years Don and I were together. My regret is that I didn’t maintain friendships.  For so many years (before […]

Wedding Ring Etiquette for the Modern Widow

Did you know that there is an etiquette to your wedding ring when you become a widow?  I never really thought much about it.  I never asked my Mom when she would remove her ring or move it to the right hand after my Dad crossed over. The thought never crossed my mind.  But apparently […]

Surviving the Firsts

Audrey Christmas morning.  I can not tell you how happy I am that the holidays are over with.  The anticipation of how I would feel and how things would go on Christmas, was both mentally and physically draining.  The Holidays were sad, but they were not terrible.  Thankfully kids have a way of turning your […]

Holidays Bring the Tears

This was quite the surprise! Brought instant tears. I wanted to name this blog “Holidays SUCK”, however, that wasn’t exactly true.  The don’t technically suck, they just have a little less shine this year. I miss my Don, my god how I miss him. It has nearly been 5 months since Don died (7/7/14) and […]

What Am I?

I have been slowly getting around to changing things to only my name and just this week I called my auto insurance to get a better rate and to take Don off the policy.  Their response was, “OK, I will put that you are Single now”.  My response was a little odd I am sure.  […]

If You Just Smile

“You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile.”   ~ Charles Chaplin   Even in the darkest of days, Don still smiled.  Even when he was in so much pain, Don smiled.  Even when Don couldn’t get up and walk around, he still smiled. I miss that smile. I hate that life […]