Standing On The Diving Board

Do I dive in again? Test the waters, see what the life of dating is like again? I’m scared. I’m nervous. Actually, I am terrified. How do I do this? How do you figure out how to meet people and actually date when you haven’t dated since you were 22.  I haven’t dated anyone since […]

Wedding Ring Etiquette for the Modern Widow

Did you know that there is an etiquette to your wedding ring when you become a widow?  I never really thought much about it.  I never asked my Mom when she would remove her ring or move it to the right hand after my Dad crossed over. The thought never crossed my mind.  But apparently […]

Filled with Anxiety

Summer of 1995 I am filled with anxiety that I can’t seem to shake whenever I think about spreading Don’s ashes in Alaska.  I know that I will do it, but when I start to think about the plans and carrying it all out, I literally start to shake. I have little anxiety issues from […]

Surviving the Firsts

Audrey Christmas morning.  I can not tell you how happy I am that the holidays are over with.  The anticipation of how I would feel and how things would go on Christmas, was both mentally and physically draining.  The Holidays were sad, but they were not terrible.  Thankfully kids have a way of turning your […]