I Have Tyrannosaurus Rex Arms

Did the title get your attention? Are you curious as to why I have Tyrannosaurus Rex arms? Or why I think I have T-Rex arms? Well, I did a thing on Thursday, August 6th. I anterior dislocated my right shoulder. Being the graceful person that I am, I thought I could easily step over my […]

Three Things

When I think of the future, there are three things that I am afraid of: Not finding love again Finding love again and loving more than the other person Watching someone die again While I don’t dwell on these things, they are the three things that can creep into my head. And I can’t do […]

Redundant Questions

I’m on Facebook Dating and for the most part, it is going much better than any of those other dating apps. What I like the best is it shows you if you have mutual friends! Which has been an added bonus. I’ve met some nice guys, some flakes, liars and some that don’t know how […]

What’s In a Name?

Susan vs Susie Back when I was a kid, I was Susie. As every teenager, I thought the nickname was childish, so I transitioned to Susan. Through college and when I entered the work world I introduced myself as Susan. Mature. Confident. Not a kid. Someone to be taken seriously, not little Susie. Not too […]

New Chapter Started Today

Today marked a new chapter in my life. I am changing jobs. Not companies, but jobs and buildings. And it’s a feeling, I haven’t felt in a long time.  September 13, 1999 I walked into Hamilton Place to start work. That was over 19 years ago. I was only 26 years old. So much has […]

The Littlest Hoff

In July I traveled back to Alaska to see all the Hoff girls, but we all know that mostly to see the littlest Hoff, Audrey. (sorry Lisa and Erica, but y’all know that Audrey is my fav Hoff now!) My heart was beating so hard when the plane landed in Ketchikan and the anxiety of […]

Need a Dating 2.0 Class for 40 Somethings!

Wow, 2017.  Time is flying by too fast and I still feel like it was yesterday that Don died. When in reality it has been 2 years, 6 months and 2 days since my world changed. I am doing OK.  I have tried dating and unfortunately I can’t stop comparing the guys to Don.  I […]

North to Alaska

Tongass Island early 1800’s Next week the girls and I will head to Alaska for a very important trip.  This trip will be to spread some of Don’s ashes on Tongass Island. Don’s wishes were for me and girls to go there when we were ready and tomorrow marks 2 years since Don drifted off […]

640 Days

I have been a widow for approximately 640 days.  Crazy to think of it like that.  For the last 640 days I have longed for my husband. Wished that cancer did not take away the one person that I loved more than life.  During those 640 days I have become a stronger person, I know […]