Retreat (verb) to withdraw OR Retreat (noun) a quiet or secluded place Sometimes I am ALL IN and gung-ho about moving forward. And then when someone starts being more gung-ho then I am. I get scared. I panic. I retreat to my retreat. It’s confusing to suddenly want to retreat when I was all in. […]

Redundant Questions

I’m on Facebook Dating and for the most part, it is going much better than any of those other dating apps. What I like the best is it shows you if you have mutual friends! Which has been an added bonus. I’ve met some nice guys, some flakes, liars and some that don’t know how […]

It’s LinkedIn Not Tinder

It has been 4 1/2 years since Don died. Have I dated anyone seriously? No. Have I tried to meet people? Yes. But meeting people is so different in 2019 then it was when I was single back in 1995. Everything now is online. Online dating: Tinder,,  Bumble, eHarmony… the list goes on. I […]

Standing On The Diving Board

Do I dive in again? Test the waters, see what the life of dating is like again? I’m scared. I’m nervous. Actually, I am terrified. How do I do this? How do you figure out how to meet people and actually date when you haven’t dated since you were 22.  I haven’t dated anyone since […]

July is Bittersweet

I haven’t been great about keeping this blog updated.  I have thought about it, but it seems to take so much energy to update everyone on just me.  Writing and updating everyone on Don was so easy and enjoyable, but writing about myself … not so much. Blue waters of Bimini, Bahamas. I have been […]

What Am I?

I have been slowly getting around to changing things to only my name and just this week I called my auto insurance to get a better rate and to take Don off the policy.  Their response was, “OK, I will put that you are Single now”.  My response was a little odd I am sure.  […]