Redundant Questions

I’m on Facebook Dating and for the most part, it is going much better than any of those other dating apps. What I like the best is it shows you if you have mutual friends! Which has been an added bonus. I’ve met some nice guys, some flakes, liars and some that don’t know how […]

The Littlest Hoff

In July I traveled back to Alaska to see all the Hoff girls, but we all know that mostly to see the littlest Hoff, Audrey. (sorry Lisa and Erica, but y’all know that Audrey is my fav Hoff now!) My heart was beating so hard when the plane landed in Ketchikan and the anxiety of […]

Standing On The Diving Board

Do I dive in again? Test the waters, see what the life of dating is like again? I’m scared. I’m nervous. Actually, I am terrified. How do I do this? How do you figure out how to meet people and actually date when you haven’t dated since you were 22.  I haven’t dated anyone since […]

Time Goes By So Fast

August and September slipped right past me with no update! YIKES! I have taken lots of weekend trips. Mom, Audrey and I traveled to West Virginia to surprise my Aunt Julia for her birthday. That was great as all the brothers and sisters that were able to travel were there. Always fun when you get […]

July is Bittersweet

I haven’t been great about keeping this blog updated.  I have thought about it, but it seems to take so much energy to update everyone on just me.  Writing and updating everyone on Don was so easy and enjoyable, but writing about myself … not so much. Blue waters of Bimini, Bahamas. I have been […]

Wedding Ring Etiquette for the Modern Widow

Did you know that there is an etiquette to your wedding ring when you become a widow?  I never really thought much about it.  I never asked my Mom when she would remove her ring or move it to the right hand after my Dad crossed over. The thought never crossed my mind.  But apparently […]

Filled with Anxiety

Summer of 1995 I am filled with anxiety that I can’t seem to shake whenever I think about spreading Don’s ashes in Alaska.  I know that I will do it, but when I start to think about the plans and carrying it all out, I literally start to shake. I have little anxiety issues from […]

Surviving the Firsts

Audrey Christmas morning.  I can not tell you how happy I am that the holidays are over with.  The anticipation of how I would feel and how things would go on Christmas, was both mentally and physically draining.  The Holidays were sad, but they were not terrible.  Thankfully kids have a way of turning your […]