Well, no new chemo … back to Avastin

My last blog talked about our new plan, our new chemo … well, after talking with Dr. Puzanov, he decided to wait and see if Don’s liver enzymes continued to decrease after being taken off the Trilipix. Last week he was able to do an infusion of Avastin and we are optimistic that he will be able to do another infusion next week.
Don’s liver enzymes are still slightly elevated, however, they are within the protocol limits for him to get Avastin.

Don is feeling good and we just hope that we are able to continue on a treatment regimen without something changing!

Life is good and we are happy that Spring is next weekend!!

Things we have done lately:
* Celebrated Audrey’s 2nd birthday!
* Participated in the Chemo Duck Mall Waddle at Hamilton Place
* Gone to the TN Aquarium with Susan, Erica, Audrey and niece Carlie and her family
* Gone to Ringling Bros Barnum & Bailey Circus for the first time

Things we are looking forward to:
* American Cancer Society Luncheon
* American Cancer Society Relay for Life … Team HOFF
* Jimmy Buffet Concert in Atlanta
* Don’s birthday!
* Florida vacation
* Nascar Race in Atlanta

So much more we are planning to do … but can’t list it all!!

Everybody remember … live life to the fullest. Nobody is promised a tomorrow.

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