Making A Difference

An old man walked up a shore littered with thousands of starfish, beached and dying after a storm. A young man was picking them up and flinging them back into the ocean.
“Why do you bother?” the old man scoffed.
“You’re not saving enough to make a difference.”
The young man picked up another starfish and sent it spinning back into the water.
“Made a difference to that one,” he said.
You make a difference, every day.

On March 25, 2011 Don was presented the Inspiration Award from the American Cancer Society – Chattanooga Chapter. His award was presented during a luncheon at The Chattanoogan in the ballroom. The luncheon was spectacular and the other award winners and their fa miles were inspirational. Their stories were touching and humbled us to just be in their presence. We set at table with Criminal Court Judge, Rebecca Sterns, that is a breast cancer survivor. She was the keynote speaker and was great. Another lady was Misty M. she is a cancer survivor of breast, bone and now brain cancer. She was a pillar of strength and she was also a winner of the Inspiration Award. Just hearing all these stories of Cancer survivors, gives us hope and being in the company of all these people left us with a feeling of awe.

I nominated Don for this award for his ongoing inspiration to everyone around him. He shows such courage and bravery while dealing with his own cancer struggle. His positive outlook on life is (I hope) an inspiration to others dealing with Cancer.

I am so proud of Don and was happy that I was there to share this with him. Also, very happy that my mom, Kimberly and Erica were there with us on this special day!

On the treatment front; Don received chemo Avastin on March 24 and will have treatment again on April 6. We hope that the liver enzymes continue to remain stable and we can stay on this current regimen!

Loving someone with cancer makes you realize that there aren’t many problems that are big anymore!

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