I think we broke a record!

Don has had 4 continuous chemo sessions without any disruptions. This has got to be a record for him! He is continuing with the Avastin and has infusions every other week.

Last Thursday we had a CT Scan and hope to find out the results before our next appt. The waiting drives me insane, however, we may just have to wait this time. Our beloved favorite nurse Teresa is out on medical leave until late May and our fill-in nurse (whom I refer to as our Jinx Nurse) will not be as kind as Teresa and email me the results.

We are hopeful that since he has been able to have the 4 infusions that the cancer in his lungs will have decreased in size or at the least remained the same as the last CT scan. We continually pray that this is what is happening. We need for this cancer to be defeated.

So, that is where we are now. Don continues to amaze me with his treatments. He feels good and continues to live life to the fullest.

We are giving back this Friday/Saturday and walking all night long in the Relay for Life. We have formed a group – TEAM HOFF – and we will walk all night long to raise money for cancer. Cancer doesn’t sleep, and neither will we! Please make a donation to Team HOFF!

We are still wondering what normal is and have found this quote to be exactly true.

“New normal” means I can no longer put off that trip, or writing my memoirs for the grandchildren, or passing along my faith to my children, or telling my family, “I love you.”

“New normal” also means a full calendar with many scheduled visits to the doctors for treatments, blood tests, and scans. It sometimes means less energy, but the luxury of afternoon naps. It means limiting some physical activities like lifting groceries and laundry, carrying grand kids, leaning over the tub to bathe the dog, or running downstairs.

This is our new normal … and we are glad to just have some kind of normal!

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